
 With the 2024 olympics in full swing I thought I would take you on another wild adventure into one of my favourite sports, swimming.

My favourite spots are Basketball and Football as they are the most fun to play for me. I personally prefer basketball as it is more demanding than football, but nothing compares to the physical shape you must be in for football. However the physical condition you must be in for swimming is on a different level. I changed the way I breathe just to increase my lung capacity in order for me to be a better swimmer when I go on holiday. Although I am making it sound like I am obsessed with swimming, trust me I'm not. I just love to appreciate the benefits of physical activity and I want to be able to do as much physical activity while balancing it out with my academic progress.

Standing at 194cm tall with a 191cm wingspan I wouldn't make a good swimmer at all (though I have a similar build to Caleb dresses who is a very good swimmer), not juts due to my physical build, but also my inexperience in swimming. You see I've never had lessons, rather my parents took me to the ocean a few times to play with the waves before taking me to a pool to show me how to swim with good technique. Nowadays my technique is rubbish, mainly because I hate getting my hair wet, but because I don't swim a lot. I usually only get to swim for about 4 days a year at most as that's usually how long my beach holidays are.

I personally would prefer to do more swimming as I enjoy swimming, not just for the physical challenge, but for the fun of being submerged in water. The physical challenge of water is possibly the best feeling I get when doing any exercise; my arms waining, my legs shaking and my back cramping after a good day of swimming. To some of you reading this you may be wondering "Why is this Physics student glamourising his muscles being sore?". The truth is I don't really like being in school and learning stuff, hence why I resent humanities, I prefer finding questions when I am outside doing physical activity most of the time for myself to answer and usually the answer lies within maths and physics.

When swimming you must consider the physical condition you are in and your physical build. Michael Phelps (if you don't know who he is get googling) said that the two most important factors to being a good swimmer is lung capacity and wingspan. I earlier said I wouldn't be a good swimmer at all, but when watching the olympics I realise that if I wanted to go pro in swimming I would have the physical ability to, but I don't have the 20 years of 20 hours a week of swimming like they all do to compete so I think I will just accept that I'll beat the average Joe any day of the week when it comes to swimming.

That's it for this adventure I hope you liked it. Please check out more of my posts, not all of them turn into pseudo - rants. 


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