
 If I haven't mentioned it in my previous blog posts I do Maths, Physics and History. I am currently satisfied with my performances in Maths and Physics. The reason I say satisfied is because of my History coursework. The coursework is on whether slavery was the root cause of the American Civil War. I'm not going to give my opinion on the root cause as I'm a high school student and not a university professor who has devoted my life to history, I'm planning to devout myself into engineering. The complete opposite!

The worst part about coursework is how much of my time it is absorbing. My free time has been absorbed by rewrites of my coursework and I will still need to rewrite half of it. It is due on the 4th of November btw and it is currently the 19th of October. In addition to absorbing my free time it takes up my time to revise and invest time into my maths and physics knowledge. I had to rush through my personal statement so I'll need to catch up to it in November as well.

The worst part about Coursework however is the coursework itself. The whole argument on the root cause of the American Civil War is such a sensitive topic due to the impact slavery had on the development of the sectional divide between North and South. Many historians argue that slavery was not the root cause, mainly due to the crisis' of the Great Depression and the rise of marxism contributing to the interpretations on why slavery was not the root cause of the War. The historians use a narrow focus on the events leading up to the war and that is really what upsets me with coursework. As someone who likes learning about history and looking at the causes to events I can never bring myself to agree with one cause as the sole cause as there are many, so when I'm reading historical interpretations by historians I feel disheartened from studying history. There is a part of me that just dies inside when they have such a narrow view point and essential omit a multitude of factors and focus on one as the cause. Sure historians are affected by the times they wrote their interpretation, but why is a teenager with no history degree or years of experience as a historian being tasked with criticising some of the best historians on the topic in question.

Although this post is a bit doom and gloom and I think it is just a phase. After the 4th I hope to return to blogging. I do not know how frequent posts will be, but there will be new content. This phase could be known as my Dostoevsky phase. 


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