Obninsk power plant

 This adventure will go through the first ever nuclear power plant connected to the power grid in Obninsk, Russia.

Nuclear power is a fascinating form of power. It utilises radioactive elements to generate steam rotating a turbine to create electricity. It is far more complicated than that however and it needs an entire post dedicated to it in order to do the process justice.

Obninsk was a small scale nuclear power plant that did not have any incidents of mortality or severe exposure to nuclear radiation. It opened in 1954 before closing in 2002 where it became a research and isotope production plant. The reactor served as the godfather to the RBMK type reactors, in English they are "high - power channel - type reactors". They are a class of graphite - moderated nuclear power reactor.  If you don't think of Chernobyl then you are either too young to know or you are a humanities student. My humour shouldn't be taken seriously however as the Chernobyl disaster was the worst nuclear accident in history, The disaster still plays a role in today's perception of not using nuclear energy. Countries like France love nuclear energy and have hundreds of plants across the country powering homes and cities. On the other hand countries like Germany are hesitant to employ the use of nuclear power due to the damage a meltdown could have.

That's it for this adventure. I know it turned into a bit of a message of the dangers of radiation and nuclear power, but it is important when looking into the reasons why nuclear power isn't as popular as it should be. I plan to make a post in nuclear power plants and radioactivity so stay tuned for them.


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