The Universe

 This adventure took place over 13.7 billion years, you could say it was in the making.

Our universe as we know was caused by a violent explosion 13.7 billion years ago. It expanded rapidly and still does to this day and tomorrow and forever essentially. 3 things are certain: Death, Taxes and the Universe expanding rapidly.

This is how it went. At zero time the Big Bang created the universe, after less than 1 - trillionth of a second the Universe underwent a sudden rapid expansion. After 1 second the Universe cooled and tiny particles began to form. The particles in question were made up of antimatter and matter. At the end of the second these particles had destroyed themselves. After 100,000 years the surviving particles spread evenly throughout the Universe. The denser areas of gravity kept on increasing until Galaxies would form. After 380,000 years the Universe cooled to 3000 degrees celsius consisting of mostly Hydrogen, letting light shine through small spaces. 300 million years after the Big Bang Stars made up of Helium and Hydrogen. Some of them died becoming supernovas scattering throughout space. 13.7 billion years after the Big Bang heavy elements firm the Sun and other stars. The temperature of the Universe today has fallen to -270 degrees celsius. 

What is Dark matter and Dark energy. Dark matter makes up 25% of the Universe and we cannot see it, it is made up on particles we cannot see, so we cannot experiment on them. We can only make theories on Dark matter, but Dark energy is even stranger. Dark energy covers 70% of the Universe and it is a mysterious force that opposes gravity.

What about the future? There are two leading theories, The Big Chill and the Big Rip. The Big Chill proposes that the Universe will continue expanding, but slows gradually, until everything becomes dark and cold. However the Big Rip proposes that the Universe expands at a constant rate until stars, planets and atoms tear each other apart.

This is a summery of the Universe today as we know it today, I hope you enjoyed the adventure. So stay tuned for more.


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